29 July 2007

Cali capitol

Cali capitol

28 July 2007

These people don't joke around.

These people don't joke around.

Those could hurt the children

Those could hurt the children

What's your day job?

What's your day job?

No words for this

No words for this







Bell rabbit

Bell rabbit

Modern art museum minneapolis

Modern art museum minneapolis

27 July 2007

And you thought you had problems!

And you thought you had problems!

Very important plane stuff

Very important plane stuff

22 July 2007

If i fall in the shower...

The Hampton Inn of Lawrence, Kansas is certainly not to blame. The above-shown shower support system, coupled with the present, but not photographed shower chair help to alleviate my fears of being found naked and injured after a nasty shower-related fall by a hotel maid (Windy, as the card in my room introduces her) on the ground floor of a no-frills (but clean, thanks to Windy, et al) hotel in eastern Kansas.

Just in case you didn't know...

Thanks, TSA! With the help of informational signage like this you help keep our airports safe. Fortunately I saw this sign and was able to put my open flame back in the car before I got to the x-ray machine.

Electric car charging stations

Electric car charging stations...too bad I've neever seen an electric car using them...

21 July 2007

Tower theater

Tower theater

Nature graffiti

Nature graffiti

How nasty is this?

How nasty is this?

18 July 2007

Rare cloudy day in sac.

Rare cloudy day in sac.

16 July 2007

Palms on my street

Palms on my street

Window of...

the worst chinese restaurant ever! I guess I should have been suspicious
of the faded mauve miniblinds and the etched graffiti on the glass...

15 July 2007

Would you have guessed...

that this is a wal-mart?

Postal geeks in sac., too

Postal geeks in sac., too

SF modern art museum

SF modern art museum

San francisco

San francisco